On Wednesday October 27th, PortForward’s 3rd Advisory Board meeting was held successfully online. In total, there were 19 participants and 2 Use Cases were presented: the Port Authority Dashboard (PAD) Use Case and the Assistance to Goods and Inspection Use Case.

The meeting started with a short presentation of the agenda by Mr. Roberto Cinquegrani, Chairman of the Advisory Council, who introduced Mr. Nicola Rusciano, Business analyst at Mar.Te. S.c.ar.l. Mr. Rusciano presented the PAD Use Case showcasing the software solution which represents a multi-level tool based on specific objectives of effectiveness/efficiency of processes through the adoption of performance metrics. The main features of the management tool are illustrated, explaining that it includes several indicators from five different perspectives of analysis. These are: 1-Infrastructure Utilization, 2-Port Operation, 3-Economics & Finance, 4-Market Trend and 5-Green Challenge. A demonstration of the main functionalities of the tool followed, highlighting the results of the metrics developed for the areas: Infrastructure Utilization, Port Operation, Market Trend and Green Challenge.

After the presentation and the demonstration of the PAD Use Case, a fruitful discussion emerged among the Advisory Board members, providing important feedback. The members concluded that creating a Database Management System –like the one in the PAD software– will be a determining factor in linking the performance of complex events.

Then, Mr. Miraj Sheth, Project Manager at TeamViewer, proceeded with the presentation of the Assistance to Goods and Inspection Use Case. As part of the presentation, Mr. Sheth introduced the smart glasses “HMT-1”, whose functionalities have been developed by TeamViewer – in collaboration with the AdSP of the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea – in the context of the PortForward project. The wearable device provides hands-free services which include visual instructions, on-site documentation and instant connection to expert support at any time.

Following the demonstration, the Advisory Board members generated a discussion which concluded that the smart glasses “HMT-1” provide valid support to the exchange of information between the customs operator and the competent authority, improving the identification of risks and suspicious substances facing possible emergencies. In addition, it was noted that the methodical use of this tool will be instrumental in reducing the time needed to carry out physical inspections of containerised cargo.

It was great to see the members of the Board come together to comment and provide valuable feedback on PortForward’s work. The meeting ended on a very positive note and members expressed their enthusiasm to assemble again for the next meeting in early 2022.