The PortForward consortium team have once again come together for the next project management meeting to discuss about progression and future plans of the project. The meeting was held from 22nd – 23rd of January, 2020 at the premises of the consortium partner Autoridad Portuaria de Balears in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
On the first day of the meeting partners presented their work on the project activities in various work packages and discussed specific uses cases.
The second day consisted of an in-depth work on specific topics relevant to the current priorities of the project with respect to the next deliverables as well as with respect to the upcoming research over the next couple of months. To this end the consortium came together in three individual thematic working groups: WG1 – Reporting and review preparation; WG2 – PortForward Dashboard; WG3 – Architecture and data exchange.
The meeting helped to, on the one hand, define the next steps for the work and, on the other hand, what is even more important, to establish a common understanding of the separate project elements and how they fit together.
The program was rounded off by a tour of Ports de Balears and a joint dinner.
Here you can view the agenda of the meeting.